Chocolate products

Chocolate products comprise a diverse array of delectable treats featuring chocolate as a key ingredient. Cocoa, a key ingredient in chocolate production, highlights a commitment to sustainability through a partnership with the Rainforest Alliance. The cocoa is responsibly sourced, meeting the rigorous standards of the Rainforest Alliance Certified program. This certification ensures ethical agricultural practices, supports human rights, combats deforestation, and aids cocoa farmers. With over 80 percent of the cocoa being certified, chocolate products prioritize ethical sourcing and environmental stewardship. In the creation of chocolate and other confections, sugar is a vital raw material, providing sweetness and texture. Since 2019, chocolate products have been produced using certified sugar derived from high-quality sugar beets, meeting the standards of the Farm Sustainability Assessment (FSA). This dedication to sustainability is evident throughout their production process, ensuring that every indulgent treat is not only delicious, but also, sourced ethically and sustainably.


Biscuits are a type of baked pastry typically made from flour, sugar, fat (such as butter or oil), and leavening agents (such as baking powder or baking soda). They vary in texture, ranging from crispy or crunchy to softer or chewier, depending on the ingredients and baking technique. Biscuits and wafers are produced using sugar certified by the Farm Sustainability Assessment (FSA), sourced from high-quality sugar beets. This commitment to sustainability ensures ethical and responsible sourcing practices without implying any health benefits.


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